Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 4/4)

Your vision-fitness percentage will increase as you master the exercises. If you were actually to bounce up and down performing mind's-eye exercises and monitoring all the variables (on two do a knee drop, call out a number on every other bounce, on five clap your hands, on eight do a seat drop, and remember to breathe and blink), you'd find that there's not enough time to think about anything but the present. Being present in the here and now is the important variable. If you start thinking about the past or worrying about the future, your present "being" state breaks down. When this happens, your performance also breaks down. So your breakdown in performance serves as feedback, a reminder whenever you leave the present. Your response to these "breakdowns" lets you experience your inner fears or suppressed anger.

After four hours of work on a trampoline, farsighted Jill, age sixteen, reported the following:

"I'm amazed at how frustrated I become when I can't do something as simple as jumping up and down and spelling a word. When you reminded me to breathe and feel what was going on inside of me, I suddenly screamed out, just like I want to do at my mother. After the session, I felt relieved. My body and eyes were relaxed. I could center my eyes closer to my nose and read more comfortably."

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 3/4)

By: Michelle S

Our imaginary exercise continues, and the fear/anger pattern is repeated with each new instruction:

"Count from one to ten on every bounce, and do a knee drop on two and a seat drop on eight."
"Same as before, but now clap your hands on five and say 'Relax.'"
"Now count backward from ten to one, and let two become eight, eight become five, and five become two."

Did our imaginary trampoline session produce any actual sensations of fear or anger within your body? If so, you have experienced how overload in your mind's eye produces fear. It's the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure and rejection. In most of your life situations, thoughts and feelings of fear and the resulting muscular tensions go unnoticed, but those feelings, even if they are not acknowledged, ultimately reach the muscles of your eyes. These muscles can become tense and can spasm.

A real trampoline experience is one way to help yourself become aware of the way in which your thoughts and feelings affect your body and especially your eyes. Then you can train your eyes using vision-fitness exercises.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 2/4)

By: Michelle S

Let's imagine you are having a session with your optometrist. You are wearing comfortable clothes, and you remove your eyeglasses or contact lenses. You see a large trampoline in the center of a large room with a vaulted ceiling. You climb up on the trampoline and begin to jump up and down, moving your arms in small circles in front of you. After a reminder, you become aware of your shallow breathing. You notice that your eyes are riveted to one place. Your eye, neck, and shoulder muscles feel tight. You might also notice if the new situation produces fearful and tight feelings in your chest and stomach.

After a short while you begin to master the trampoline bounce and you relax. You look around and notice an increase in your natural vision-fitness. As you smile, you hear the next instruction: "Now do a seat drop and then a knee drop." Again, your initial body reaction is to tighten. As you imagine doing a seat drop, you sense a fear of falling. You might think to yourself: "You're crazy; I can't do that." I invite you to observe your defensiveness and anger.

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 1/4)

By: Michelle S

When it comes to eye health improving your vision, the events and experiences you've had and the resulting decisions you've made are factors that can keep you from seeing as well as you otherwise would. I believe fear and suppressed anger are the common denominators responsible for the impact of these events.

These emotions are thought to be stored both mentally and physically. It had been difficult for me to comprehend how experiencing fear and/or anger alters one's vision-fitness until a research optometrist published his report of working with patients on a large trampoline.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Eye Drops for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve in which pressure inside the eye is too high for the eye to tolerate. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, but loss of sight from glaucoma can be prevented with early treatment.

Eyedrops for glaucoma are used to lower the pressure within the eye. They reduce the fluid pressure in one of two ways.

They either:

1. Decrease the amount of fluid forming in the eye, or
2. Increase the ability of the eye to drain fluid.

This fluid is called aqueous humor. It is inside the eye, and is different from tears.

To be effective, eyedrops must be used every day according to your doctor’s instructions.
Watching for Side Effects

Glaucoma medicine can keep you from losing your sight. However, you may need to tolerate mild side effects.

Different glaucoma eyedrops can cause different side effects. If you experience any, contact your ophthalmologist (Eye M.D.) immediately. Also, tell your other doctors if you are using eyedrops for glaucoma.

They can cause:

* Breathing problems for those with asthma or emphysema
* Slow or irregular heartbeat
* Depression
* Change in sex drive (impotence)

Alpha Agonists

They can cause:

* A red eye or red skin around the eye
* Dry mouth
* Fatigue or decreased energy

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

They can cause:

* Eye redness or irritation
* Skin rash (especially in individuals with known allergy to sulfa drugs)
* Change in taste (especially with carbonated beverages)
* Stomach upset or nausea
* Fatigue and decreased energy

Prostaglandin Analogs or Prostamides

They can cause:

* Eye redness or irritation
* A change in eye color (mostly in hazel or blue to green eyes)
* Increase in thickness and number of eyelashes
* Joint aches or flu-like syndrome


They can cause:

* Blurred vision
* Headache
* Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is rare. If you notice dark floating spots or flashing lights in your vision, call your ophthalmologist immediately.

Many new eyedrops are becoming available. As with any medication, eye medications can cause eye allergies, irritation or other side effects, as listed above.

Original article at :-

Monday, November 9, 2009


Stroke Treatment
Neuroaid is a new stroke medication that shortens patients' normally long recovery after stroke

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dry Eye Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Chronic dry eye syndrome (DES) is usually caused by insufficient or decreased tear production or increased tear film evaporation. Tears are a complex mixture of water, fatty oils, proteins, electrolytes and bacteria fighting substances. Typical symptoms of dry eye syndrome are dryness, burning, itchiness, foreign body sensation, pain, stingy, gritty eye irritation (usually both eyes are affected). Dry eye syndrome can cause watery eye symptoms (due to eye irritation), but this excessive tearing does not make eyes feel any better as these tears will not have the lubricating features necessary to relieve dry eye. Schirmer's test is one way of confirming dry eye syndrome. Ocular surface inflammation may further aggravate the dry-eye condition, likewise dry eye can make allergy symptoms worse (tears are essential in tackling allergic responses as they help dilute and clear the allergens and irritants)

Dry eye syndrome is an ongoing condition that in many cases it can not be cured, but the accompanying symptoms such as dryness and burning can be alleviated. The diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome is very complex. Artificial tears are usually the first line of treatment. Tears wash away dust and other irritants from the eyes, provide oxygen and nutrients to the cornea, lubricate and guard your eyes. Other common treatment options involve punctual plugs (which slow down or even stop the drainage of tears - it is also possible to have a temporary dissolving plug to see if it helps), For moderate to severe cases Restasis eye drops may be prescribed. In some cases an oral antibiotic such as tetracycline or an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid eye drop such as Alrex or Lotemax may be necessary. If the oily layer of the tear film is deficient specialists may suggest that you increase your consumption of oily fish and take flax seed oil as a dietary supplement.

Dry eye syndrome also means that your eyes are less protected from various irritants in our environment therefore air purifier and avoidance of irritant-prone areas may be helpful. Humidifiers are also considered to be helpful, however, if you have an allergy to dust mites it may make your symptoms worse since dust mites love humid conditions

Article written by Predrag Iljic

Article Source: - Dry Eye Causes Symptoms and Treatment