Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 2/4)

By: Michelle S

Let's imagine you are having a session with your optometrist. You are wearing comfortable clothes, and you remove your eyeglasses or contact lenses. You see a large trampoline in the center of a large room with a vaulted ceiling. You climb up on the trampoline and begin to jump up and down, moving your arms in small circles in front of you. After a reminder, you become aware of your shallow breathing. You notice that your eyes are riveted to one place. Your eye, neck, and shoulder muscles feel tight. You might also notice if the new situation produces fearful and tight feelings in your chest and stomach.

After a short while you begin to master the trampoline bounce and you relax. You look around and notice an increase in your natural vision-fitness. As you smile, you hear the next instruction: "Now do a seat drop and then a knee drop." Again, your initial body reaction is to tighten. As you imagine doing a seat drop, you sense a fear of falling. You might think to yourself: "You're crazy; I can't do that." I invite you to observe your defensiveness and anger.

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