Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 3/4)

By: Michelle S

Our imaginary exercise continues, and the fear/anger pattern is repeated with each new instruction:

"Count from one to ten on every bounce, and do a knee drop on two and a seat drop on eight."
"Same as before, but now clap your hands on five and say 'Relax.'"
"Now count backward from ten to one, and let two become eight, eight become five, and five become two."

Did our imaginary trampoline session produce any actual sensations of fear or anger within your body? If so, you have experienced how overload in your mind's eye produces fear. It's the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure and rejection. In most of your life situations, thoughts and feelings of fear and the resulting muscular tensions go unnoticed, but those feelings, even if they are not acknowledged, ultimately reach the muscles of your eyes. These muscles can become tense and can spasm.

A real trampoline experience is one way to help yourself become aware of the way in which your thoughts and feelings affect your body and especially your eyes. Then you can train your eyes using vision-fitness exercises.

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