Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fear And Anger: Their Effect On Vision (Pt 4/4)

Your vision-fitness percentage will increase as you master the exercises. If you were actually to bounce up and down performing mind's-eye exercises and monitoring all the variables (on two do a knee drop, call out a number on every other bounce, on five clap your hands, on eight do a seat drop, and remember to breathe and blink), you'd find that there's not enough time to think about anything but the present. Being present in the here and now is the important variable. If you start thinking about the past or worrying about the future, your present "being" state breaks down. When this happens, your performance also breaks down. So your breakdown in performance serves as feedback, a reminder whenever you leave the present. Your response to these "breakdowns" lets you experience your inner fears or suppressed anger.

After four hours of work on a trampoline, farsighted Jill, age sixteen, reported the following:

"I'm amazed at how frustrated I become when I can't do something as simple as jumping up and down and spelling a word. When you reminded me to breathe and feel what was going on inside of me, I suddenly screamed out, just like I want to do at my mother. After the session, I felt relieved. My body and eyes were relaxed. I could center my eyes closer to my nose and read more comfortably."

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